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Yearly Archives: 2018

New houseplant can clean your homes air

New houseplant can clean your home’s air

We like to keep the air in our homes as clean as possible, and sometimes we use HEPA air filters to keep offending allergens...
Our universe An expanding bubble in an extra dimension

Our universe: An expanding bubble in an extra dimension

Uppsala University researchers have devised a new model for the universe – one that may solve the enigma of dark energy. Their new article,...
Scientists model Mercurys glaciers

Scientists model Mercury’s glaciers

The processes that led to glaciation at the cratered poles of Mercury, the planet closest to the sun, have been modeled by a University...
Hybrid qubits solve key hurdle to quantum computing 1

Hybrid qubits solve key hurdle to quantum computing

Spin-based quantum computers have the potential to tackle difficult mathematical problems that cannot be solved using ordinary computers, but many problems remain in making...
Satellite data exposes looting of archaeological sites

Satellite data exposes looting of archaeological sites

More than 2,500 years ago, horse riding nomads expanded their cultural realm throughout the Eurasian steppe from Southern Siberia to Eastern Europe. These tribes...
Organic food worse for the climate

Organic food worse for the climate?

Organically farmed food has a bigger climate impact than conventionally farmed food, due to the greater areas of land required. This is the finding...
How exercise reduces belly fat in humans

How exercise reduces belly fat in humans

Some of you may have made a New Year's resolution to hit the gym to tackle that annoying belly fat. But have you ever...
New study shows link between secondhand smoke and cardiac arrhythmia

New study shows link between secondhand smoke and cardiac arrhythmia

Continuous indoor exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke triggers changes in the heart's electrical activity, known as cardiac alternans, that can predict cardiac arrhythmia and...
HIV vaccine protects non human primates from infection

HIV vaccine protects non-human primates from infection

For more than 20 years, scientists at Scripps Research have chipped away at the challenges of designing an HIV vaccine. Now new research, published...
Bacteria found in ancient Irish soil halts growth of superbugs—new hope for tackling antibiotic resistance

Bacteria found in ancient Irish soil halts growth of superbugs—new hope for tackling antibiotic...

Researchers analysing soil from Ireland long thought to have medicinal properties have discovered that it contains a previously unknown strain of bacteria which is...
Groups of pilot whales have their own dialects

Groups of pilot whales have their own dialects

In humans, different social groups, cities, or regions often have distinct accents and dialects. Those vocal traits are not unique to us, however. A...