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Monthly Archives: May 2018

Daily emissions from personal care products comparable to car emissions study

Daily emissions from personal care products comparable to car emissions: study

When people are out and about, they leave plumes of chemicals behind them—from both car tailpipes and the products they put on their skin...
Brown widow male spiders prefer sex with older females likely to eat them afterwards

Brown widow male spiders prefer sex with older females likely to eat them afterwards

Male brown widow spiders seek to mate with older, less-fertile females that are 50 percent more likely to eat them after sex, according to...
Earths magnetic field is not about to reverse study finds

Earth’s magnetic field is not about to reverse, study finds

A study of the most recent near-reversals of the Earth's magnetic field by an international team of researchers, including the University of Liverpool, has...
Calcium based MRI sensor enables more sensitive brain imaging

Calcium-based MRI sensor enables more sensitive brain imaging

MIT neuroscientists have developed a new magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sensor that allows them to monitor neural activity deep within the brain by tracking...