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Monthly Archives: March 2018

The brain learns completely differently than weve assumed since the 20th century

The brain learns completely differently than we’ve assumed since the 20th century

The brain is a complex network containing billions of neurons, where each of these neurons communicates simultaneously with thousands of other via their synapses...
Study suggests method to boost growth of blood vessels and muscle

Study suggests method to boost growth of blood vessels and muscle

As we get older, our endurance declines, in part because our blood vessels lose some of their capacity to deliver oxygen and nutrients to...
Mars Curiosity celebrates sol 2000

Mars Curiosity celebrates sol 2,000

NASA's Mars Curiosity rover just hit a new milestone: its two-thousandth Martian day, or sol, on the Red Planet. An image mosaic taken by...
Mysterious head of a pharaoh discovered

Mysterious head of a pharaoh discovered

Swansea University Egyptology lecturer Dr Ken Griffin has found a depiction of one of the most famous pharaoh's in history Hatshepsut (one of only...
Scientists unveil high sensitivity 3 D technique using single atom measurements

Scientists unveil high-sensitivity 3-D technique using single-atom measurements

Researchers at Griffith University working with Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) have unveiled a stunningly accurate technique for scientific measurements which...
Arctic wintertime sea ice extent is among lowest on record

Arctic wintertime sea ice extent is among lowest on record

Sea ice in the Arctic grew to its annual maximum extent last week, and joined 2015, 2016 and 2017 as the four lowest maximum...
First ever observations of a living anglerfish a female with her tiny mate coupled for life

First-ever observations of a living anglerfish, a female with her tiny mate, coupled for...

Down deep off the south slope of São Jorge Island in the Azores, west of Portugal in the North Atlantic Ocean, a fearsome-looking fish...
Hidden medical text read for the first time in a thousand years

Hidden medical text read for the first time in a thousand years

An influential physician and a philosopher of early Western medicine, Galen of Pergamon was the doctor of emperors and gladiators. One of his many...
Researchers track Chinese space station as it falls

Researchers track Chinese space station as it falls

A defunct Chinese space station, Tiangong-1, is expected to fall to Earth any day now—on March 31, give or take a few days. When...
Being hungry shuts off perception of chronic pain

Being hungry shuts off perception of chronic pain

Pain can be valuable. Without it, we might let our hand linger on a hot stove, for example. But longer-lasting pain, such as the...
Mysterious skeleton shows molecular complexity of bone diseases

Mysterious skeleton shows molecular complexity of bone diseases

A bizarre human skeleton, once rumored to have extraterrestrial origins, has gotten a rather comprehensive genomic work-up, the results of which are now in,...