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Monthly Archives: February 2018

Artificial intelligence techniques reconstruct mysteries of quantum systems

Artificial intelligence techniques reconstruct mysteries of quantum systems

The same techniques used to train self-driving cars and chess-playing computers are now helping physicists explore the complexities of the quantum world. For the first...
Life in worlds driest desert seen as sign of potential life on Mars

Life in world’s driest desert seen as sign of potential life on Mars

For the first time, researchers have seen life rebounding in the world's driest desert, demonstrating that it could also be lurking in the soils...
Stars around the Milky Way Cosmic space invaders or victims of galactic eviction

Stars around the Milky Way: Cosmic space invaders or victims of galactic eviction?

An international team of astronomers led by the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA) has made a surprising discovery about the birthplace of groups...
Complete genomes of extinct and living elephants sequenced

Complete genomes of extinct and living elephants sequenced

An international team of researchers has produced one of the most comprehensive evolutionary pictures to date by looking at one of the world's most...
Proxima Centauris no good very bad day

Proxima Centauri’s no good, very bad day

A team of astronomers led by Carnegie's Meredith MacGregor and Alycia Weinberger detected a massive stellar flare -- an energetic explosion of radiation --...
More than half of U. S. gun owners do not safely store their guns

More than half of U. S. gun owners do not safely store their guns

More than half of gun owners do not safely store all their guns, according to a new survey of 1,444 U.S. gun owners conducted...
Young children use physics not previous rewards to learn about tools

Young children use physics, not previous rewards, to learn about tools

Children as young as seven apply basic laws of physics to problem-solving, rather than learning from what has previously been rewarded, suggests new research...
New light shed on prehistoric human migration in Europe

New light shed on prehistoric human migration in Europe

Two University of Wyoming researchers contributed to a new study in which DNA of ancient skeletal remains of people from southeastern Europe were used...
Artificial eye Researchers combine metalens with an artificial muscle

Artificial eye: Researchers combine metalens with an artificial muscle

Inspired by the human eye, researchers at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have developed an adaptive metalens,...
On second thought the Moons water may be widespread and immobile

On second thought, the Moon’s water may be widespread and immobile

A new analysis of data from two lunar missions finds evidence that the Moon's water is widely distributed across the surface and is not...
The loudness of our thoughts affects how we judge external sounds

The ‘loudness’ of our thoughts affects how we judge external sounds

The "loudness" of our thoughts—or how we imagine saying something—influences how we judge the loudness of real, external sounds, a team of researchers from...