No clear evidence that most new cancer drugs extend or improve life
Do new cancer drugs actually work?
Credit: © stevecuk / Fotolia
Even where drugs did show survival gains over existing treatments, these were often marginal, the...
Marine species threatened by deep-sea mining
These are polymetallic nodules with Plenaster craigi. White line is 1 cm.
Credit: Adrian Glover, Thomas Dahlgren, Helena Wiklund
Less than half of our planet's surface...
Keratin, proteins from 54-million-year-old sea turtle show survival trait evolution
Tasbacka danica.
Credit: Johan Lindgren
Researchers from North Carolina State University, Lund University in Sweden and the University of Hyogo in Japan have retrieved original pigment,...
Hurricane exposes and washes away thousands of sea turtle nests
Sea turtle eggs exposed after hurricane-driven storm surge washed away sand and dunes where they were incubating. Photo taken Sept. 13, 2017, at Archie...
Determining when humans started impacting the planet on a large scale
Earth from space.
Credit: © Vadimsadovski / Fotolia
Humans have so profoundly altered Earth that, some scientists argue, our current geologic epoch requires a new name:...
Traces of failed Super-eruption in the Andes
The Chao volcano in northern Chile with a lava coulée approx. 14.5 km long (centre of picture). The composition of the lava matches that...
Yellowstone spawned twin super-eruptions that altered global climate
Castle geyser eruption Yellowstone.
Credit: © bennymarty / Fotolia
A new geological record of the Yellowstone supervolcano's last catastrophic eruption is rewriting the story of what...
Worldwide change in shallow reef ecosystems predicted as waters warm
Coral reef.
Credit: © soft_light / Fotolia
A new study based on the first global survey of marine life by scuba divers has provided fresh insights...
The oceans were colder than we thought
The current period of climate change may be unparalleled over the last 100 million years, say researchers.
Credit: © Alekss / Fotolia
According to the methodology...
Astronomers discover sunscreen snow falling on hot exoplanet
This illustration shows the seething hot planet Kepler-13Ab that circles very close to its host star, Kepler-13A. In the background is the star's binary...
Bacteria have a sense of touch
Sense of touch: Swimming bacteria can sense surfaces with the flagellum.
Credit: University of Basel, Biozentrum
Although bacteria have no sensory organs in the classical sense,...