Home 2017 August

Monthly Archives: August 2017

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Aardvarks’ fate points to worrying consequences for wildlife, due to climate change

This is an aardvark in the Kalahari desert in South Africa. Credit: Wits University The aardvark, a highlight for anyone on a game-viewing African safari, will...
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No rest for the bleary: Interrupted sleep can be as physically detrimental as no...

"The sleep of many parents is often disrupted by external sources such as a crying baby demanding care during the night. Doctors on call,...
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Sleeping too little, or too much, linked to heart disease, diabetes, obesity

"It's critical that adults aim for seven to nine hours of sleep each night to receive the health benefits of sleep, but this is...
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Obese adolescents not getting enough sleep?

Lack of sleep and obesity have been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Credit: © Marcin Sadlowski / Fotolia Lack of sleep...
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Insufficient sleep may be adding to your waistline

People who were sleeping on average around six hours a night had a waist measurement that was 3cm greater than individuals who were getting...