‘Instantly rechargeable’ battery could change the future of electric and hybrid automobiles
John Cushman, Purdue University distinguished professor of earth, atmospheric and planetary science and a professor of mathematics, is commercializing a technology that could provide...
Take a look, and you’ll see, into your imagination
Seeing the imagination.
Credit: © ra2 studio / Fotolia
Scanning your brain to decode the contents of your mind has been a subject of intense research...
X-ray pulses create ‘molecular black hole’
The extremely intense X-ray flash knocks so many electrons out of the iodine atom (right) such that it pulls in the electrons of the...
‘Harder, better, faster, stronger’: Tethered soft exosuit reduces metabolic cost of running
A system of actuation wires attached to the back of the exosuit provides assistive force to the hip joint during running.
Credit: The Wyss Institute...
Outnumbered and on others’ turf, misfits sometimes thrive
Two male sticklebacks of the same age -- one from a stream (top) and one from a lake (bottom) -- are each highly adapted...
In a cosmic hit-and-run, icy Saturn moon may have flipped
A team of researchers led by Cornell's Radwan Tajeddine examined Cassini data and found evidence that the active south polar region of Enceladus --...
Tea consumption leads to epigenetic changes in women
There are epigenetic changes in women consuming tea, but not in men, shows new research.
Credit: © Ivan Kruk / Fotolia
Epigenetic changes are chemical modifications...
Making prosthetic limbs feel more natural
MIT researchers are developing a new surgical approach that would allow amputees to receive sensory feedback from their prosthetic limbs and improve their ability...
Budgerigars can identify spoken sounds without prior exposure to human speech
No experience with human speech is necessary for budgerigars to perceive the difference between 'd' and 't', according to a study published May 31,...
We’re on the brink of mass extinction — but there’s still time to pull...
Both ominous and hopeful, a new report paints a picture of the value of biodiversity, the threats it faces and the window of opportunity...
Decoded genome may help Mojave Desert tortoise win race to survive
The Mojave Desert is home to a population of desert tortoises negatively affected by invasive grasses and an upper respiratory disease. ASU life sciences...