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Monthly Archives: June 2017

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3-D-modeling of food residues in 230 million years old fossil feces

This is a detailed image of a cover wing from one of the beetles. Credit: Martin Qvarnstrom Synchrotron scanning can produce high-quality 3D models of...
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Sensitivity to inequity is in wolves’ and dogs’ blood

Wolves and dogs are sensitive to inequity. Credit: Robert Bayer Not only dogs but also wolves react to inequity -- similar to humans or primates. This...
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Monkey see, monkey do, depending on age, experience and efficiency

Younger capuchin monkeys turn to older animals to learn how to open Panama fruit. But even experienced monkeys will pick up a new technique...
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Does consuming low-fat dairy increase the risk of Parkinson’s disease?

Those who consumed at least three servings of low-fat dairy a day had a 34 percent greater chance of developing Parkinson's than people who...
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Ingredient of life found around infant Sun-like stars

ALMA has observed stars like the Sun at a very early stage in their formation and found traces of methyl isocyanate -- a chemical...
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Extinct early whales listened like their relatives on land, fossil evidence shows

This is a 3-D model of the virtual reconstruction of the bony labyrinth, which will be available for online visualization. Credit: Mourlam and Orliac Whales rely...
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Scientists improve people’s creativity through electrical brain stimulation

Researchers passed a weak constant electrical current through saline-soaked electrodes positioned over target regions in the scalp. Credit: Image courtesy of Queen Mary University of...
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Oyster shells inspire new method to make superstrong, flexible polymers

This is a figure illustrating that polymer crystallization speed can be used to control the spatial distribution of nanoparticles. Impurities (here, the nanoparticles) will...
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Century-old relativity experiment used to measure a white dwarf’s mass

This illustration reveals how the gravity of a white dwarf star warps space and bends the light of a distant star behind it. White...
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Celestial Boondocks: Study Supports the Idea We Live in a Void

The universe as simulated by the Millennium Simulation is structured like Swiss cheese in filaments and voids. The Milky Way, according to UW-Madison astronomers,...
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World’s oldest fossil mushroom found

The mushroom was uncovered in the Araripe Basin, in northeast Brazil, in a limestone layer called the Crato Formation. Credit: Graphic by Danielle Ruffatto Roughly 115...