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Monthly Archives: October 2016

Making it easier to collaborate on code

Making it easier to collaborate on code

“Gitless" removes complicated concepts like "staging" and "stashing," without fundamentally changing Git's core functionality.Image: Santiago Perez De Rosso   CSAIL team's “Gitless” fixes Git’s biggest issues...
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Why do consumers pay more? Rice research finds the surprising effect of consumer local...

New research by a Rice University marketing professor debunks a long-held belief by companies that they could charge more for locally produced goods and...
Burning Trash Heidi

Indian Roadside Refuse Fires Produce Toxic Rainbow

Heidi Vreeland, lead author on the new paper looking at roadside trash burning in India, stands in front of a giant trash fire in...
Turning Your Living Room into a Wireless Charging Station

Turning Your Living Room into a Wireless Charging Station

A look inside of an LCD television manufacturing plant. A new paper shows that similar technology could be used to create a room-wide wireless...

New SIDS research shows carbon dioxide, inner ear damage may play important role

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) may be linked to the build up of carbon dioxide and existing inner ear damage according to a new...

Researchers use CRISPR to accelerate search for HIV cure

Researchers at UC San Francisco and the academically affiliated Gladstone Institutes have used a newly developed gene-editing system to find gene mutations that make...
Improved water splitting advances renewable energy conversion

Improved water splitting advances renewable energy conversion

Gas bubbles form as researchers use a unique catalyst to convert water to hydrogen and oxygen. The inset image shows the catalytic materials at...

Hormone that controls maturation of fat cells discovered

Scientists at the Stanford University School of Medicine have discovered a hormone that controls the first step in the maturation of fat cells. Its...
The gene of autumn colours

The gene of autumn colours

SGR induces colour changes in leaves. SGR was experimentally induced (bottom) in Arabidopsis and compared with the normal leaves (top). Excised leaves were observed...

For the first time, magnets are be made with a 3-D printer

A magentic cup-like shape, created in the 3-D printer. Credit: TU Wien Today, manufacturing strong magnets is no problem from a technical perspective. It is,...
The worlds smallest extracellular needle electrodes

Can the brain feel it? The world’s smallest extracellular needle-electrodes

Extracellular needle-electrode with a diameter of 5 ?m mounted on a connector. Credit: (C) Toyohashi University of Technology. All Rights Reserved. Single 5?m diameter needle...