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Monthly Archives: October 2016

Neighbor maps reveal the genomes 3 D shape

‘Neighbor maps’ reveal the genome’s 3-D shape

Simulation of 3-D chromosomes structure. Credit: SISSA A group coordinated by SISSA Trieste has built a 3-D computer model of the human genome. The shape...
Australian desert telescope views sky in radio technicolour

Australian desert telescope views sky in radio technicolour

The GLEAM view of the centre of the Milky Way, in radio colour. Red indicates the lowest frequencies, green the middle frequencies and blue...
Cosmic Horseshoe Is Not the Lucky Beacon

Cosmic Horseshoe Is Not the Lucky Beacon

The Cosmic Horseshoe, as photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA.   Astronomers use observations of a gravitationally lensed galaxy to measure the...
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Importance of universal sanitation underestimated in efforts to reduce child mortality

Credit:Flickr/wateradvocates The value of sanitation at reducing child mortality in many low income countries has been substantially underestimated according to recent research. A study by Prof...
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Mixing energy drinks, alcohol may affect adolescent brains like cocaine

Drinking highly caffeinated alcoholic beverages triggers changes in the adolescent brain similar to taking cocaine, and the consequences last into adulthood as an altered...

Restoring the sense of touch in amputees using natural signals of the nervous system

Electrical stimulation was delivered by an external stimulator (top left) through percutaneous leads to FINEs implanted on the median, ulnar, and radial nerves of...
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Research reveals accidental making of ‘Patient Zero’ myth during 1980s AIDS crisis

A combination of historical and genetic research reveals the error and hype that led to the coining of the term 'Patient Zero' and the...
After blindness the adult brain can learn to see again

After blindness, the adult brain can learn to see again

Fundus of the patient's eye implanted with Argus II Retinal 98 Prosthesis, taken soon after the surgery.Credit: Castaldi E, Cicchini GM, Cinelli L, Biagi...
More evidence for ninth planet roming Solar Systems outer fringes

More evidence for ninth planet roming Solar System’s outer fringes

An artist's illustration of Planet Nine, a hypothesized Neptune-size planet orbiting in the distant reaches of our solar system (Illustration: Robert Hurt/Caltech) As the search...

Self-renewable killer cells could be key to making cancer immunotherapy work

A small molecule that can turn short-lived 'killer T-cells' into long-lived, renewable cells that can last in the body for a longer period of...

New immunotherapy technique holds promise for curing food allergies

"This discovery reverses food allergies in mice, and we have many people with allergies volunteering their own cells for us to use in lab...