New Horizons returns last bits of 2015 flyby data to Earth
Artist’s illustration of NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft transmitting data back to Earth.Credit: NASA/JHUAPL/SwRI
NASA's New Horizons mission reached a major milestone this week when the...
New tool detects malicious websites before they cause harm
Image Credit: Flickr/cyberhades
Malicious websites promoting scams, distributing malware and collecting phished credentials pervade the web. As quickly as we block or blacklist them, criminals...
Mutant plants reveal temperature sensor
Phytochrome mutants grow very differently from wild type plant (upper left) under the same conditions. Work with these mutants reveals that phytochrome is both...
JILA Team Spots Elusive Intermediate Compound in Atmospheric Chemistry
JILA researchers used their frequency comb spectroscopy technique (multicolored lightwaves between the mirrors) to follow each step of an important chemical reaction that occurs...
Bubble nucleus discovered
Credit: Michigan State University
Research conducted at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) at Michigan State University has shed new light on the structure of...
Concern that radiation may contribute to development of Alzheimer’s
Image Credit: Flickr/HAMZA BUTT
More humans than ever are exposed to higher levels of ionizing radiation from medical equipment, airplanes, etc. A new study suggests...
Male birth control shots prevent pregnancy
Researchers call for further study to reduce risk of depression, side effects
Men can take birth control shots to prevent pregnancy in their female partners,...
Commonly prescribed medicines no more effective than placebo for pediatric migraines
A new study compares effectiveness of preventive medicines for pediatric migraines. Image Credit: Flickr/jamiesrabbits
Prescribed medications are no more effective than a sugar pill when...
Study predicts deserts in Spain if global warming continues
Lavezzi Island (Corsica, France). Credit: Daniel Pavon, IMBE, Aix Marseille University, Aix-en-Provence, France
Southern Spain will become desert and deciduous forests will vanish from...
NASA missions harvest a passel of ‘pumpkin’ stars
This artist's concept illustrates how the most extreme 'pumpkin star' found by Kepler and Swift compares with the sun. Both stars are shown to...
Research helps explain formation of ringed crater on the Moon
Free-air gravitational anomalies and shaded topographic relief of the moon's 930-km-diameterOrientale impact basin. Red corresponds to mass excesses and blue to mass deficits relative...