Home 2016 June

Monthly Archives: June 2016

Men may face high lifetime risk of sudden cardiac death

About one in every nine men will experience sudden cardiac death, most before age 70, as well as about one in 30 women, according...
Researchers discover first sleeper goby cavefish in Western Hemisphere

Researchers discover first sleeper goby cavefish in Western Hemisphere

The Oaxaca Cave Sleeper has not been collected or seen in more than 20 years and lives in a cave system threatened by damming....
Hubble captures vivid auroras in Jupiter’s atmosphere

Hubble captures vivid auroras in Jupiter’s atmosphere

This image combines an image taken with Hubble Space Telescope in the optical (taken in spring 2014) and observat ions of its auroras in...
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Little to no association between butter consumption, chronic disease or total mortality

Butter consumption was only weakly associated with total mortality, not associated with cardiovascular disease, and slightly inversely associated (protective) with diabetes, according to a...

Malaria vaccine loses effectiveness over several years

An experimental vaccine against malaria known as Mosquirix—or RTS,S—weakens over time and is only about four percent effective over a seven-year span, researchers said...

Netherlands gets first nationwide ‘Internet of Things’

Dutch telecoms group KPN said Thursday that The Netherlands had become the first country in the world to implement a nationwide long range (LoRa)...
Fire discovery sheds new light on hobbit demise

Fire discovery sheds new light on ‘hobbit’ demise

Dr Mike Morley, from the University of Wollongong, Australia, with a sediment sample taken from Liang Bua. The sample contains crucial new evidence that...
Surface of Mercury arose from deep inside the planet

Surface of Mercury arose from deep inside the planet

A beautiful view of Mercury's horizon. In this scene, which was acquired looking from the shadows toward the sunlit side of the planet, a...
El Nino could drive intense season for Amazon fires

El Nino could drive intense season for Amazon fires

The smoke from multiple fires in the Mato Grosso region of Brazil rises over forested and deforested areas in this astronaut photograph taken from...

Deep brain stimulation can improve Parkinson’s symptoms by 70%

By stimulating the brains of Parkinson's patients using electrodes, neurologists at France's CHU Saint-Étienne University Hospital found that this surgical technique could improve motor...
Current stimulation to the brain partially restores vision in patients with glaucoma and optic nerve damage

Current stimulation to the brain partially restores vision in patients with glaucoma and optic...

Glaucoma slowly and silently clouds vision, without any pain.Credit: Photo courtesy of NEI Vision loss due to glaucoma or optic nerve damage is generally considered...