The tubeworm species Escarpia laminata. Credit: Image courtesy of the Chemo III project, BOEM and NOAA OER Large tubeworms living in the cold depths of the Gulf of Mexico may be among the longest living animals in the world. This is...
Arrival of a density current made visible by the soil particles it lifts as it progresses, in Hombori, Mali. This phenomenon, which is of a convective nature, is known as a haboob. Photograph taken during the AMMA (African Monsoon...
This is a damselfish of the Chromis species. Credit: Jacob Johansen/Univ. of Texas at Austin Just as one too many cocktails can lead a person to make bad choices, a few drops of oil can cause coral reef fish to make...
Our brain is especially good at perceiving lines and contours even if they do not actually exist, such as the blue triangle in the foreground of this optical illusion. The pattern of neuronal connections in the brain supports this...
Bang! A new moon crater appeared between Oct. 25, 2012, and April 21, 2013. At 12 meters (40 feet) wide, the crater is not hard to spot in the image, but the starburst pattern of ejected debris is elusive...
TWEAK regulates inflammation in atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. Left: Normal skin. Middle: Skin inflammation in atopic dermatitis. Right: Blocking TWEAK reduces skin inflammation in atopic dermatitis. Credit: Courtesy of Dr. Daniel Sidler, La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology Superficially, psoriasis...
Generosity makes people happier, even if they are only a little generous, suggests new research. Credit: © MG / Fotolia Generosity makes people happier, even if they are only a little generous. People who act solely out of self-interest are less...
Model of an island volcano. During the last transition to glacial conditions the decreasing pressure at the seafloor could have induced increased lava- and carbon dioxide emissions. Credit: Jörg Hasenclever Climate evolution shows some regularities, which can be traced throughout long...
The key to the willow warblers' differing migration patterns probably lies in their genes. Credit: Max Lundberg The genetic make-up of a willow warbler determines where it will migrate when winter comes. Studies of willow warblers in Sweden, Finland and the...
West Antarctica glaciers observed during an October 2014 NASA Operation IceBridge mission. New research shows valleys in the ocean floor enable warm, salty water to reach the undersides of glaciers, fueling their increasingly rapid retreat. Credit: NASA / Michael Studinger Glaciologists...
Sediment cores were collected from Pine Island Bay in West Antarctica using the German research vessel RV Polarstern. Credit: James Smith @ British Antarctic Survey Reporting in the journal Nature, an international team of researchers led by British Antarctic Survey (BAS)...