Talking to horses as we talk to young children
Many people instinctively use baby-talk when talking to their pets, often characterized by a high-pitched voice and exaggerated intonations. The same is true for...
Penguin hemoglobin evolved to meet oxygen demands of diving
Call it the evolutionary march of the penguins.
More than 50 million years ago, the lovable tuxedoed birds began leaving their avian relatives at the...
Scientists observe complex tunable magnetism tied to electrical conduction in a topological material
Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory have observed novel helical magnetic ordering in the topological compound EuIn2As2 which supports exotic electrical conduction...
Solving ‘barren plateaus’ is the key to quantum machine learning
Many machine learning algorithms on quantum computers suffer from the dreaded "barren plateau" of unsolvability, where they run into dead ends on optimization problems....
New study shows microplastics turn into ‘hubs’ for pathogens, antibiotic-resistant bacteria
It's estimated that an average-sized wastewater treatment plant serving roughly 400,000 residents will discharge up to 2,000,000 microplastic particles into the environment each day....
Researchers design a biological device capable of computing by printing cells on paper
The Research Group on Synthetic Biology for Biomedical Applications at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain, has designed a cellular device capable of computing...
Emphasizing urgency alone won’t increase support for major climate policies, study finds
In light of recent extreme climate events—from wildfires blazing through the western US to snowstorms sweeping Texas into a blackout—climate scientists and media outlets...
Lab one step closer to understanding how life started on Earth
How did life begin on Earth and could it exist elsewhere? Researchers at Simon Fraser University have isolated a genetic clue—an enzyme known as...
Billions of cicadas may be coming soon to trees near you
Abig event in the insect world is approaching. Starting sometime in April or May, depending on latitude, one of the largest broods of 17-year...
Particulates are more dangerous than previously thought
Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI have for the first time observed photochemical processes inside the smallest particles in the air. In doing...
Study shows experimental evidence of an altruistic nature in small convict cichlid fish
If you were given the option to eat a delicious meal by yourself, or share that meal with your loved ones, you would need...