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Monthly Archives: February 2018

Moths in mud can uncover prehistoric secrets 1

Moths in mud can uncover prehistoric secrets

Moth scales, preserved in the mud of a coniferous forest lake, have been used to identify outbreaks of these insects over the past 10,000...
New quantum memory stores information for hours

New quantum memory stores information for hours

Storing information in a quantum memory system is a difficult challenge, as the data is usually quickly lost. At TU Wien, ultra-long storage times...
Low calorie diet enhances intestinal regeneration after injury

Low-calorie diet enhances intestinal regeneration after injury

Dramatic calorie restriction, diets reduced by 40 percent of a normal calorie total, have long been known to extend health span, the duration of...
Mind reading algorithm uses EEG data to reconstruct images based on what we perceive

Mind-reading algorithm uses EEG data to reconstruct images based on what we perceive

A new technique developed by neuroscientists at the University of Toronto Scarborough can, for the first time, reconstruct images of what people perceive based...
The global footprint of fisheries

The global footprint of fisheries

The global fishing fleet is so big it can be seen from space. Really. Fishing activity now covers at least 55 percent of the world's...
Quantum recurrence Everything goes back to the way it was

Quantum recurrence: Everything goes back to the way it was

It is one of the most astonishing results of physics: when a complex system is left alone, it will return to its initial state...
Improved Hubble yardstick gives fresh evidence for new physics in the universe

Improved Hubble yardstick gives fresh evidence for new physics in the universe

Astronomers have used NASA's Hubble Space Telescope to make the most precise measurements of the expansion rate of the universe since it was first...
Surprising new study redraws family tree of domesticated and wild horses

Surprising new study redraws family tree of domesticated and ‘wild’ horses

There are no such things as "wild" horses anymore. Research published in Science today overturns a long-held assumption that Przewalski's horses, native to the Eurasian steppes, are...
New neurons in the adult brain are involved in sensory learning

New neurons in the adult brain are involved in sensory learning

Although we have known for several years that the adult brain can produce new neurons, many questions about the properties conferred by these adult-born...
Astronomers discover S0 2 star is single and ready for big Einstein test

Astronomers discover S0-2 star is single and ready for big Einstein test

Astronomers have the "all-clear" for an exciting test of Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, thanks to a new discovery about S0-2's star status. Up until...
Neuroscientists discover a brain signal that indicates whether speech has been understood

Neuroscientists discover a brain signal that indicates whether speech has been understood

Neuroscientists from Trinity College Dublin and the University of Rochester have identified a specific brain signal associated with the conversion of speech into understanding....