Brain-computer interface allows completely locked-in people to communicate
NIRS/EEG brain computer interface system shown on a model. Credit: Wyss Center,
A brain-computer interface that can decipher the thoughts of people who are...
Practice makes perfect, and ‘overlearning’ locks it in
A new study shows that learning a new task past the point of mastery helps protect that learning from interference that could undermine it....
A new material to unearth mysteries of magnetic fields
Credit: Yale University
Journeying to the center of the Earth, a la Jules Verne, won't be happening anytime soon. A new material made from a...
Physically active children are less depressed
Being active, getting sweaty and roughhousing offer more than just physical health benefits. They also protect against depression. Image Credit: Flickr/Simone D.
Previous studies have...
Autism may begin early in brain development
These images of mouse brains compare laser scanning photostimulation maps of all the neurons connected to one central neuron in control mice (left) vs....
Air pollution may lead to dementia in older women
Tiny air pollution particles—the type that mainly comes from power plants and automobiles—may greatly increase the chance of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease, according to...
New Cheyenne supercomputer triples scientific capability with greater efficiency
From a simulation run on the Yellowstone supercomputer, these contour lines and isosurfaces provide valuable information about turbulence and aerodynamic drag in this visualization...
New study connects running motion to ground force, provides patterns for any runner
The two-mass model of the human body and a corresponding pattern of running foot-ground force application. The overall force-time pattern can be accurately understood...
Substance in crude oil harms fish hearts, could affect humans as well
Research on tunas in the lab of Stanford Professor Barbara Block identified the substance in crude oil that causes dysfunction in heart cells. This...
Unified time and frequency picture of ultrafast atomic excitation in strong fields
Fig. 1: Yield of excited atoms as a function of the laser intensity. At a laser intensity of 200TW/cm², in the vicinity of a...
Stars in the halo of the Milky Way often travel in groups
The Milky Way disk is embedded in a roundish halo of stars. The stars (in purple) are from a computer simulation of the remains...